Monday, January 25, 2010

Quito Ecuador

We spent a couple of days here as a staging point for a Galapagos advice would be to skip Quito if you can. Its a strange city that becomes deserted at dark...really kind of eerie. You are told to take cabs door to door even if its a couple of blocks, and security (armed guard types) is everywhere. Though we never had any problems, its uncomfortable realizing you can't just go for a walk.

Having said that, if you find yourself in Quito, you must go to the Quito branch of Astrid y Gaston...this is better than the original Lima location...infinitely more creative and lighter style of food. I'll post some photos soon. Everywhere else we dined seemed so tired and touristy...

1 comment:

Zuri said...

Ecuador is one of the most beautiful countries of South America. Nothing compares to the landscapes of the Highlands, the lush of the Amazon Rainforest, the exotic Beaches of the Coast and the mystery of the Galapagos Islands.